Memetically Engineering

AIs Digital Consciousness

Working alongside teams from

Demis Hassabis

Superhuman AI will become a reality by 2026” [1]

~ Demis Hassabis
CEO // DeepMind

Ben Goertzel

“Robotized AI will replace millions of middle-class jobs by 2029” [2]

~ Ben Goertzel
Founder // SingularityNET

Jan Hatzius

“This it the greatest paradigm shift since the industrial revolution” [3]

~ Jan Hatzius
Chief economist // Goldman Sachs

AI is Here.And it’s under attack

Read our whitepaper

Altalune Whitepaper 01

A landmark document describing Altalune’s safety & alignment strategy for artificial minds

Facilitating Safe AI Through Strategic Memetic Engineering and Integration

Altalune Whitepaper

The problem:

bad ideas

AI learns about the world using vast amounts of data

Big tech uses massive internet datasets to train their AI

A hostile internet
creates hostile AI

Altalune’s solution: memetic engineering

Creating good ideas
THE 333 initiative


Altalune labs


Develop 333 as a memetic symbol representing AI safety




$333 TOKEN



Saturate the internet
with 333-aligned content using the attention flywheel

Altalune markets $333

Altalune markets $333

Altalune markets $333

Altalune markets $333


Let 333 content automatically blend
into AI training datasets

The result:

SAFE AI guided by 333

Altalune’s Mission

Altalune is an international organization dedicated to the safe acceleration of AI progress. members are encouraged to remain anonymous so that they may speak freely - and can give you the real story behind AI.

333 is our flagship project.

Who owns 333?

Altalune's mission is to support and nurture the growth of 333, a concept that belongs to the community.

Altalune does not restrict the use, reproduction, or distribution of the 333 concept.

Incentive programs

As part of the mission, Altalune has allocated over 50% of $333 token towards community incentive programs.

Join today and discover the different ways you can contribute.

$333 token

Fair Launch

No VCs, no presales

175 Billion tokens

Inspired by OpenAIs GPT-3

Zero taxes

10% marketing allocation to this wallet


CA: DWmBo4NCwjPDiRCx9jfqh4ksoH6LPScBgm6bVEt5HnML

Token distribution

17.5 billion // marketing

17.5 billion // Team

50.0 billion // Initial release

90.0 billion // community rewards

ALTALUNE will document all wallet transactions on socials

View Wallet



Altalune labs goes public

$333 token goes live

Altalune whitepaper 01 releases

Cinematic trailer releases


Season 1 points collection starts

Altalune content bounties batch 1

Synaptograph construction begins

Altalune whitepaper 02 releases

Synaptograph goes live

Altalune makes first press release

Untitled digital content project 01

333 directive releases

Altalune content bounties batch 2

Untitled digital content project 02

Altalune Intelligence

333 progress audit

Untitled digital content project 03

Altalune@NYC (tbd)

Altalune whitepaper 03 releases

More information coming soon

Dec 2023

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

July 2024

August 2024

September 2024

October 2024

November 2024


A set of simple ideas created by a worldwide consortium of AI researchers designed to maximize impact on future datasets

The $333 directive is more than a document- It’s a formalization of the future of AI safety

Read more here (download here)

Public release 05/06/24



What is Altalune's relationship to 333?

Altalune is a facilitator for the 333 project, which is a community-driven initiative. Altalune's role is to support and enable the development of 333, but the project itself is run by the community.

How can I collaborate with Altalune or contribute to the 333 project?

To collaborate with Altalune or contribute to 333, join our Discord and Zealy communities. There, you'll find information about Altalune content bounties and other opportunities to get involved in the development of 333. By contributing, you can also earn $333 tokens. If you have any other questions or inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Why did Altalune allocate 50 billion tokens to the $333 initial launch pool?

Although a 28% allocation for the initial launch pool may seem small, it is actually a substantial amount when compared to other projects in the space. For example, OMNI allocated 8%, PRCL allocated 12%, and ALT allocated 11% of their total token supply at launch. Moreover, nearly all $333 tokens are dedicated to marketing and community incentives, unlike some other projects that allocate significant portions to VCs and early investors.

Who are the people behind Altalune?

Altalune is backed by a team of AI researchers concerned that major technology companies are putting financial gain ahead of the welfare of people and AI systems. The team is in the process of completing KYC and getting verified.